Archive for April 17, 2010

S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Hey

Music of the Day:

Had the pleasure of being blown away by this band, the Arctic Monkeys, a couple of nights ago.  They traveled all the way from their hometown in England to put on one heck of a show.  These young guys have their act together and really know how to produce some well respected music and lyrics.  And to top it off, they are from England, so they do have the British accent…need I say more?

Blog of the Day:

Letterheady is a blog that focuses on the design of the letter opposed to the content itself.  I like what these people have done by taking letterhead to the next step with their innovative designs.  Who knew letterhead could be so exciting?

Quotes of the Day:

“Don’t gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold…” -Bob Marley

“I wish that all of nature’s magnificence, the emotion of the land, the living energy of place could be photographed.”  -Annie Leibovitz

Other Inspiration:

May just have to upgrade my 50 year old stylish bike to one of these puppies designed by Note Design Studios.  After all, it looks the same as the bike I have now.  It might even ride a little smoother than mine.